Recovering from Wisdom Teeth Removal

Recovering from Wisdom Teeth Removal

So you’re about to have your wisdom teeth removed in Tulsa, Oklahoma. That’s fantastic! You’re about to improve your oral health and prevent a host of further dental issues. We at Contemporary Dental Arts are here to support you throughout the process. That’s why we’d like to give you some tips on preparing for your recovery.

After the extraction, we will take care to help stop the bleeding. For one thing, we will cover the extraction site with clean gauze. You may find that when you go home that bleeding will continue or recur in small measures. This is normal. You’ll want to place some fresh gauze on the site, and bite down for about 45 minutes. Once the pad is soaked, replace it with a new pad.

You may also notice some swelling. To reduce the inflammation, ice outside the area for 15 minutes and then take a 15-minute break. Repeat this process until the swelling wanes.

We may also offer you pain medication. If this is the case for you, please take the medication as recommended to relieve your pain. If you did not receive pain medication, it is likely because the procedure went very well. All the same, you are welcome to take over-the-counter painkillers.

For the first 24 hours following the extraction, you’ll want to have a diet of only soft foods, such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, ice cream, and smoothies. Make sure that you are stocked up on items such as these before the procedure. Please avoid using a straw, as this can cause dry socket.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to call Contemporary Dental Arts. Dr. Matthew Warlick and team will be more than happy to assist you. All you need to do is dial 918-459-9090 today!

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8:00 am-5:00 pm





